Monday, May 26, 2008

"My Carbon Footprint” – “Problems & Solutions”

The amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere made by human’s activities directly or indirectly such as transportation used, food and goods consumption, electricity used and the energy used to produce the electricity as well called a carbon footprint. I measured my footprint in the survey at and scored 2.73. This means that I am living as if there 2.73 earths. It is under the UK average, but unfortunately we only have one precious earth. My score was divided almost equally in the four categories with food, travel, home and stuff at 25%, 23%, 24% and 28% respectively. My annual carbon footprint was 11.31 tonnes. Now I am going to outline some problem and possible solution for my carbon footprint.

First, highest percentage was for stuff because I do not recycle anything. Therefore, to reduce the percentage, I must recycle paper, food and plastics. My friend Hader told me that a lot of mosques have a recycle bin in front of their door so it is better to put useless paper there. Another issue is that I eat a lot of meat, so I need to reduce it to three times a week instead of once a day. Furthermore, I use my car a lot, so it is better to use it only when necessary rather than all the time. In this way I can help to decrease the amount of CO2 in the air and reduce pollution.

To conclude, it is important to determine our carbon footprint and know how we are contributing at global warming. Then we have to try and do our best to make our planet clean and safe. It is a major problem; therefore, everybody must become involved to solve it and live safely.

Monday, May 5, 2008

“An Inconvenient Truth” - Evaluation

The film “An Inconvenient Truth” which presented by Al Gore is very interesting because of several reason. First, it was easy to understand. Second, the elements and the way to transfer the subject which the presenter used were very clear and easy.

In my opinion the way Al Gore used to attract the audience attention was great and enjoyable. He used graphs, pictures, video clips, and cartoons as well which made the presentation funny and understood. He supported his claimed by facts and showed them to audience. He also mentioned some events happened in his life changed it to attract the audience emotionally.

On the other hand, Al Gore couldn’t say that he helped Tobacco industries to fight against the efforts that claim to put on cigarette-warning labels the words "addiction" and "death". This means he couldn't face his audience with the reality which could make him more real.

“An Inconvenient Truth” - Summary

In the documentary movie “An Inconvenient truth” Which produced in 2006, Al Gore, the former vice president of the US presents about the global warming causes, consequences and states the solutions. He also mentions some events which changed his life as an example of precious things which can be lost and then will be concerned about.

First of all, Al Gore illustrates that global warming happens when the atmosphere layer get thicker by greenhouses gases which caused from CO2 so it traps the infrared and as it increase in the atmosphere the temperature of the earth increase. Due to this statement many problems could occur such as melting glaciers which will raise the sea level if it happens and as a result some lands will be covered with water. Another issue is the warmth of water which causes hurricanes.

On the other hand he states some solutions which will reduce the effect of global warming. One of the solutions is to decrease the CO2 level by making the cars more efficiency. Another issue is to plant trees to reduce the amount of CO2.

In conclusion, Al Gore believes that all nations should cooperate to solve the problem and everybody has the ability to make a change in the global warming. Otherwise, we all will be sorry if we do not concern now.