Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Critical Thinking Summary

Critical thinking is thinking that does not have a limit, forms logical illations and is high level. All responsible people, including doctors, parents, supervisors and lawyers, use critical thinking. Critical thinking starts when you are willing to recognize how something occurs, why it occurs and what will occur if something changes. Therefore, to be a critical thinker you must listen carefully and be patient before you judge and give feedback. Critical thinkers also look for evidence to support their beliefs and deny incorrect information. A further feature is they are curious which means that they are willing to learn all related things about the topic and looking forward for better, easier ways to do everything. Critical thinking is important because it underlies basic elements of communications and plays an important part in society because schools, courts, businesses and governments are a result of critical thinking.

“Blooms Taxonomy” is a pyramid which Bloom created to classify six thinking levels: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, moving from the simplest to the most complex respectively. Knowledge means identifying, comprehension means understanding, next application is using knowledge and solving problems, breaking down refers to analysis, synthesis means recreating and, finally, evaluation means assessing and drawing conclusions.

In order to be a critical thinker we have to make our thinking limitless, listen carefully before we judge, be ready to give logical solutions and share ideas. By following these factors we will become critical thinkers.


Clown said...

nice criticle thinking Naser ^^.. u did well in ur profile too

salem said...

naser why u hate me so much.

joker said...


I belive that you are C.Thinker....